
Saturday Progress Report

Okay, so it's Monday .. but Saturday was a HOLIDAY !  The temporary seasonal day job ended on Thursdays, so I'm back to writing. I've been doing some 'crafty' stuff lately .. reading and outlining chapter books and fiddling with fairy tales in an attempt to improve my plotting ability. And of course that all led into another project.  

Also I'm working on focusing on one thing at a time, writing wise - choosing one writing task and making that the goal for the day. Yeah, I'm a little scattered, ADD, whoopsie-brained, that's for sure. The same method has been working on the gardens. Each morning I decided which part of the garden I want to work on, and I limit myself to just that spot. I know .... this probably seems so simple to other people.

Even though I'm also prepping a house to put on the market, I hope that I'll have more writing time in the day, and that my Saturday progress reports will be more exciting.

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